If you do not plan ahead for what might happen to you if you are ever incapacitated, then your family will have to make health care decisions for you. That can cause them a lot of stress.
Your family members most likely want what is best for you. If anything happens to you, they will try to assist you. However, it can be extremely difficult to know how other people might react to certain things.
For example, if you are in an accident and decisions need to be made about your medical care, your family might not have a good idea what decisions you would make. That can create problems for them, as they try to decide on what care you should receive, as the Sentinel Source recently discussed in "Planning ahead for health decisions benefits everyone."
There is a better way. Make your wishes known in advance and ensure that they are legally enforceable. With a living will, you can set out what procedures doctors should and should not perform, if you are incapacitated with no chance of survival. A health care power of attorney can be used to appoint one or more persons to make medical decisions for you, if you are unable to express your wishes.
Both documents are routinely prepared by estate planning attorneys for their clients. Visit one to get them created and signed. This will make things easier for your family.
Reference: Sentinel Source (April 18, 2018) "Planning ahead for health decisions benefits everyone."