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Getting Married

If you are getting married, then you need to create an estate plan or update the one that you already have.

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There is also something else that you should think about.

You should think about protecting your spouse, if something ever happens to you.

You love the person you are about to marry, so it is important to make sure he or she will be able to handle everything after you pass away.

For that reason you need to do some estate planning, as Cary Citizen discusses in "I'm Getting Married. How Could Marriage Affect My Finances?"

With an estate plan, you can make sure your spouse has the financial assets he or she will need after you are gone.

If you have children from a previous marriage, then an estate plan is a way to take care of those children and your future spouse. Even if your potential spouse is independently wealthy, you will want to do some estate planning, just in case anything should ever happen to that wealth.

Marriage is a happy time, but you need to also think about the possible bad times that could come ahead and plan for them just in case.

Visit an estate planning attorney to make sure that your future spouse will be OK.

Reference: Cary Citizen (July 28, 2017) "I'm Getting Married. How Could Marriage Affect My Finances?"

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