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You May Not Know What You Think You Do

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We do not all like to admit it, but the truth is that we are all often wrong. Many of the things we thought were right, we later learn were incorrect.

Logically, that means many of the things we are “sure” about now, we will only learn to be less so later on.

There is no shame in this.

We cannot be experts in everything.

A physicist cannot be judged too harshly for getting the details of macroeconomics wrong, for example.

One area that many people are often very wrong about is estate planning, as pointed out in TCPalm in "Misconceptions about wills and trusts."

The article mentions several things people are often wrong about when it comes to estate planning. What is specifically mentioned in the article, however, is not as important as understanding that you are probably wrong about estate planning.

You might not be wrong about everything that has to do with estate planning, but you are almost certainly wrong about more things than you think you are.

This suggests that you should not do your own estate planning.

You are wrong about some aspects of estate planning and you do not even know which aspects you are wrong about.

Consequently, you should seek out people who are experts in estate planning and those people are estate planning attorneys. Let them help you with your estate plan.

That would be the wisest thing to do, just as it would be wise for estate planning attorneys to seek out your advice in your line of expertise.

Reference: TCPalm (June 16, 2017) "Misconceptions about wills and trusts."

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